Housing Needs Assessment

A study to determine the Hamilton County Area housing needs.

Every five years communities receiving Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG) are required to do a Housing Needs Assessment and determine local housing needs. The most recent assessment was completed in 2013. Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development (HAND), took leadership of the study and convened an advisory committee of over 30 public, private and nonprofit entities. Leaders from every community in Hamilton County were involved, and a consultant was retained to conduct the socioeconomic and demographic analysis. 

Together these 30+ entities reviewed the data, organized the information, and made recommendations for the Housing Needs Assessment. The conclusions and recommendations were field tested in every community with local stakeholder groups. Over 600 residents completed a survey distributed electronically through the Chambers of Commerce, REALTOR list-serve, and Good Samaritan Network.

The report is organized to provide communities with the information they need to make decisions at the local level. The data collected is primarily from the US Census American Communities Survey, and is meant to provide an overview of key demographics related to housing, including Education, Income, Employment, Crime, Special Needs Populations and Transportation among others. Local and state data sources have been used where appropriate to provide additional information.

The 2018 Housing Needs Assessment (PDF) is available for download and is available for review Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm at:

Noblesville Housing Authority
320 Kings Lane
Noblesville, IN 46060