About Us
About NHA
The mission of the Noblesville Housing Authority is to promote adequate and affordable housing, economic opportunity and a suitable living environment free from discrimination.
Goals and Objectives
Currently administering two federally funded programs:
Number of families being assisted:
The Housing Choice Voucher Program assists over 230 families per month with rental assistance. Included in this total are 75 units of HCV Non Elderly Disabled (NED) program for families whose head-of-house or spouse is disabled and under 62 years of age; and 114 HCV units for other qualified families. The HCV program is portable anywhere in the United States and currently we are billing other Housing Authorities for more than 30 families who have moved into the Hamilton County jurisdiction. NHA currently has more than 200 families on the waitlist for the HCV program.
The Community Development Block Grant Entitlement provides direct funding to not-for-profit entities providing public service activities to over 40,000 households in the past four years; funding for low-income housing opportunities; direct funding to Towns/Cities for infrastructure improvements throughout Hamilton County which must benefit at or below the low- and moderate-income persons/families.
Learn more about the Community Development Block Grants
Audit Reports:
An independent auditor prepares an annual Single Audit for NHA.
NHA Current Staff:
Aimee Jacobsen, Executive Director has been with the Noblesville Housing Authority since December of 2017 and brings 30 years’ experience administrating HUD funded Housing and Community Development programs.
CDBG Program Manager
The Occupancy staff of the housing authority brings over 25 years’ experience in determining eligibility and managing client participation in various Section 8 Rental Assistance (including HCV), Community Development Block Grant and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Programs.